Investment Management
For our clients seeking growth, we develop and implement portfolios using the following investments:
- Equity, balanced, dividend, income, sector and specialty mutual funds*.
- Equity, balanced, dividend, income, sector and specialty segregated funds.
- Long-term GICs and other guaranteed products.
- All of these products are generally available in non-registered, RRSP, LIRA, RRIF, LIF, TFSA and RESP accounts.
Many of our clients are retired and want/need income from their investment capital. When developing income solutions for our clients we use the following products:
- Short, medium and long-term GICs, along with a myriad of other guaranteed products.
- Balanced, dividend and income mutual funds* with systematic withdrawal plan (SWP) or dividend income.
- T-Series balanced mutual funds* with distribution income.
- Life annuities.
- All of these products are generally available in non-registered accounts and for registered funds inside RRSP, RRIF, LIF, LRIF, and TFSA accounts.
Whether the funds are required for short-term accumulation, alternative investing or simply for emergency purposes, we help our clients with their liquidity needs using the following liquidity products:
- Short-term GICs and daily interest accounts.
- Money market or short-term bond mutual funds*.
- Money market or short-term bond segregated funds.